#7; GroupMe Transition; League Play Heatin' Up; Weekly Open Court Play; Today in Pickleball
Out with GroupMe, In with Discord
266 Dinkville members and counting (Super Exciting growth) but Dinkville is out growing GroupMe as the main platform for Pickleball communication.
We understand that having 250+ members in one large chat can be very overwhelming and annoying when you see 53 notifications in a hour! lol We Love the interaction and communication we just need to be smarter with it so we don't drive everyone crazy! lol
Which is why we are happy to announce that Dinkville will be transitioning from GroupMe to Discord in the next few weeks. (Don't worry if you have never heard of Discord, me either until recently and I realized how helpful it will be for our group!)
Discord will help provide multiple channels for open play, organized play, league play, and tournaments instead of all rolling in one chat like GroupMe.
Discord also offers multiple chat groups so you will only receive notifications on the topics you want to be involved in (Gallatin Group, Cedar Hill Group, Men's 4.0 Group etc).
We will personally help with this switch and provide instructional videos and do live zoom call tutorials for whoever wants to join!
League Play Heatin' Up
Week 1 is in the books for Dinkville's first league games and below is the updated standings!
Nice work on competing and giving feedback on the league so we can improve going forward. We cannot wait to continue to grow the league play and make Dinkville the #1 Pickleball Community in TN.
See below some pictures from this weeks league play!

Weekly Open Court Play
Another solid week of members showing up and playing nightly for Open Court Play!
Monday - Memorial Park - Cancelled due to rain
Tuesday - Municipal Park - 6 courts going with about 6 people waiting
Wednesday - Memorial Park - 5 courts going with about 3 people waiting
Thursday - Municipal Park - 6 courts going with about 4 people waiting

Saturday at Cedar Hill the ladder play was another success. There were 5 courts full with 3 people playing/drilling on the 6th court! We had 15 minute games or first to 15 wins. Very hot day it was and we appreciate everyone playing and making sure our fellow pickleballerz are all taken care of! That is the true definition of being a loving community. THANK YOU
DON'T forget to sign up for this week's Ladder play at Cedar hill tomorrow 9/3. If we cancel we will send out a message either tonight or early tomorrow morning before anyone gets on the road! Click here to sign up
Get to Know our Member Jim Wilkins

Who are you? James K Wilkins (Jim). Father of 2 sons, Matthew and Taylor. Proud grandfather of 5. Attorney specializing in trust administration, asset management and wealth succession
When did you begin playing? After 42 years of open racquetball play, I decided to follow many of my former racquetball contemporaries and joined Music City Pickleball in November of last year
Why do you love pickleball? It was a great transition from racquetball that contained the same competitive elements and comradery but with much less stress on the body. Additionally really enjoy playing outdoors something that racquetball did not offer
Favorite shot? Because of racquetball and ping pong, a hard spin shot down the lane that kicks out.
Goals for this year? Continue to improve consistently along with improving dink game and drop shot. Most importantly, enjoy the journey this game brings.
Advice to new players? Learn what you want out of the game. Many just enjoy playing and are not super competitive. Others want to advance their game and compete in tournaments and move up in the rankings. Whatever the other you seek, always leave the courts with joy and happiness in your heart.
Today in Pickleball
Past Pro Pickleball News
The App Sunmed Philadelphia Open ($35k) happened last weekend. The following were the results:
Mixed Doubles: Vivienne David and DJ Young Defeated Andrea Koop and Andrei Daescu
Men's Doubles: Mario Barrientos and DJ Young Defeated Pablo Tellez and Brendon Long
Women's Doubles: Vivienne David and Lauren Stratman Defeated Jorja Johnson and Milan Rane
Men's Singles: Federico Staksrud Defeats Pablo Tellez
Women's Singles: Jorja Johnson Defeated Megan Fudge
Up Coming News/Events
The APP Chicago Open presented by Lexus is happening right now and goes through the weekend. Make sure you watch live and catch all the action on the following links:
Live on YouTube at:
Or Live on Facebook at:
MLP - This past week there was a Shuffle Draft for the Columbus event happening in October. The following were the changes to the teams:
Flordia Smash added Lacy Shneemann and dropped Lee Whitwell
Hard Eights added Cierra Gaytan-Leach and dropped Milan Rane
Mad Drops PC added Lee Whitwell and dropped Corrine Carr
Chimeras added Gabriel Tardio and dropped Rob Cassidy
The Bus added Erik Lange and dropped Joey Farias
Team Clean added Federico Staksrud and dropped John Cincola
The 5's added Ben Newell and dropped Erik Lange
Jackrabbits added Hunter Johnson and dropped Wes Gabrielsen
The other 4 teams remained the same!
Pickleball on Good Morning America
If you missed the Today show on CBS, August, 25th 2022, click on the link below to see the interview and fun match that was played on the streets of New York City. What great publicity it was for this sport we have all grown to love!
Forward this email or share www.Dinkville.com with anyone who wants to join our community of members.
As always, say hi anytime! Just reply to this email or sign up for the newsletter!
Landon Hallam, Dinkville Commissioner, Landon@dinkvill.com
Michael Smits, Dinkville Head Pro. Michael@dinkville.com